AI Agents Making Payments

Account Setup

Navigate to the Skyfire Dashboard and input your email to sign up for an account.

After your account is created, you will see an Available Balance on the Dashboard. This balance is tied to a unique wallet address associated with your account, pre-funded for you!

Create an API token

To interact with Skyfire, you will need to create an API token via the Dashboard. This token will be used to authenticate your requests to the Skyfire API.

Browse Service Providers

Navigate to the left panel and visit Service Providers to explore the available APIs. You can also find documentation for each provider in the API Reference.

Quick Start - Integrate with Skyfire API Proxy

  • Step 1: Install the Skyfire SDK

    npm install @skyfire-xyz/skyfire-sdk
  • Step 2: Initialize the SDK

    import { SkyfireClient } from '@skyfire-xyz/skyfire-sdk'
    const skyfire = new SkyfireClient({
      apiKey: 'YOUR_API_KEY'
  • Step 3: Call a Skyfire API proxy service

    // Make a request to a skyfire api
    const rsp = await skyfire.proxies.chatGpt({
      prompt: 'tell me a joke about cats'

See Quick Start - Integrate with Skyfire-Enabled API for information on how to integrate with a Skyfire-Enabled API.