Quick Start - Integrate with Skyfire-Enabled API

Integration with a Skyfire-enabled API involves creating a claim from Skyfire, then sending that claim in the request header to access payment-gated API.

  • Step 1: Install the Skyfire SDK

    npm install @skyfire/sender-sdk
  • Step 2: Initialize the SDK

    import { SkyfireClient } from '@skyfire/sender-sdk'
    const skyfire = new SkyfireClient({
      apiKey: 'YOUR_API_KEY'
  • Step 3: Create a claim

    // create claim using the quote
    try {
      const claim = skyfire.createClaim({
        api: 'api-ninja',
        request: {
        	url: 'v1/stockprice',
          payload: {
          	ticket: 'APPL' 
    } catch (err) {
      // Error can be thrown if the claim cannot be created.
      // For example, if the error is due to insufficient funds, you can top up your account
      if (err instanceof Skyfire.InsufficientFundsError) {
        // note: use your own wallet to send funds to the Skyfire wallet
        const amountToSend = ethers.utils.parseUnits('100', 6) // 100 USDC
        // SKYFIRE_WALLET_ADDRESS can be found on the dashboard
        usdcContract.transfer(SKYFIRE_WALLET_ADDRESS, amountToSend)
      } else {
        throw err
  • Step 4: Make a request request to the Skyfire-Enabled API using the claim token

    // make a request to a Skyfire-enabled API
    const rsp = await axios.get(
        headers: {
          'x-skyfire-claim': claim.token